About Me

I’m a person interested in technology, that looks to be better in the that make, I focus on the area of web design, I like to create the design of web pages as well as create and manage Data Base. I am a programmer that learns more in the practice, also I love learning things. I love watching Korean series and listening to music, it is the best way to relax. I’m a software engineering student, I like to learn new things about technologies and put into practice all my knowledge, I am a person creative, and with the availability of new challenges, I have an open mind about making new things and disposition in the teamwork. also always, I am looking for the way be of better persona in the ambit labor and personal. I want to become in senior developer and to work in a company with bigger ideas about innovations, and also work out of the country and known for being good in the that I do.


Software Engineering

2017 Ago - current
Universidad de Colima


Testing Developer

Schoolar proyect

I was the person in charge of testing a survey system that was being created as part of our school project, my task was to check that when creating a survey, it was displayed correctly to the user. As well as writing the user manual, which showed the description of how the whole system worked from the user’s perspective.

Designer of Page web

2021 - current
Mexico, colima

I am working together with other colleagues to create a quote, I am in charge of the part of doing all the design of the web page, as well as creating the database, mainly I am in the front-end part

Technical Skills





