About Me

I’m a software engineer focused on frontend web development. Looking for an opportunity to contribute my professional knowledge at the right place and enhance my skills for further growth and improvement in my professional life.


Software Engineering

2017 - 2021
University of Colima

The reason why I majored software engineering is because I have a passion about technology, and I enjoy learning its trends that is taking order to work more efficiently and see success.


Jr. Angular Developer

2019 - 2020
Public Security Secretary, Colima

Working as a Jr. Angular Developer, using friendly tools such as Angular, Bootstrap or Ngx Bootstrap, Angular Material, Git & GitHub, HTML5 & CSS3, Linux so on. Some projects involved were:

  • Development of a web platform for capturing and get statistics about criminal incidents, which are occurring in the state of Colima.
  • Development of a web platform to support Human Resources department about new applicants, active and inactive personal inside the company.

React Native Mobile Developer

2020 - 2021
Bright Coders Academy, Colima

I was an apprentice at Bright Coders Academy participating in the React Native Bootcamp, where I learned things about mobile development.

  • Improving some soft and hard skills such as managing version control system (Git & GitHub) in different teams and projects (Teamwork and Communication), also learning and using good practices.

Technical Skills






Git & Github

React Native