About Me

I am a computer systems engineer by ITC and RoR developer by passion. I’m always trying to learn something new about tech and improving my work through the use of best practices and logical thinking. I’m a problem solver by nature and a proactive person with a great disposition for teamwork. Sharing knowledge and self-learning are things that I enjoy. Currently, I want to become a padawan in the training program at Michelada.io where I can get the opportunity to be creative, solve problems and apply the skills that I have.


Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales

2016 - current
Instituto Tecnológico de Colima

Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación

Aug 2019 - Dec 2019
Universidad Antonio Nariño

International Mobility Program on Bogotá, Colombia at the Antonio Nariño University


Ruby on Rails Apprentice

Nov 2020 - Present
Brightcoders Academy, Colima

Website development in Ruby on Rails framework with agile methodologies (SCRUM) implementing frontend and backend using CI/CD.

Programming Instructor

2018 - 2019
OOP Instructor, Colima

Private classes of programming fundamentals and OOP on Java and C++.

Technical Skills


Ruby on Rails





